Friday, August 7, 2015

Year 5, Day 219: Colossians 4

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Evangelist

  • Evangelist: One who looks for opportunities to proclaim the truth and is excited by it. The evangelist specializes in interacting with the world and reminding Christians that there are non-Christians in the world.  An evangelist is not timid about the faith and is often found have discussions with other people about the faith.

Yesterday I had a colleague talk to me about Ephesians 4:15.  In that verse, Paul talks about “speaking the truth in love.”  He went on to say that many people interpret that “truth in love” to mean relating to other Christians and exhorting them out of sinful behavior.  And while there is nothing wrong with that, the truth in that passage to which Paul is referring is the truth of Christ and what Christ has done for us regarding salvation.  If we look at the context of that verse and the verses that come before it, that whole passage is about the preeminence of Christ and what He did for us.

It was in that frame of mind that I read Colossians 4.  When I hit Colossians 4:3.  Here is a man who is in prison.  It’s not his first time in prison.  He’s likely been beaten and mishandled along the way.  He’s certain been looked down upon by the community around him.  In that context, for what does he pray?  For what would you pray?

I know for me I’d pray for patience, wisdom, freedom, justice, and a whole host of other things that revolve around me and my circumstance.  It may not be right, but if I’m going to be honest and confess that’s the areas for which I’d pray.

Paul says, “Pray that a door might be opened for the proclamation of the word, so the mystery of Christ would be known.”  Incredible.  Unbelievable, actually!  He’s in prison.  But that’s okay, he might have an opportunity to tell people about Christ!  He’s been beaten.  But that’s okay, he might have an opportunity to tell people about Christ!  The community has looked down upon him.  But that’s okay, he might have an opportunity to tell people about Christ!

I am astounded today by the spirit of evangelism that dwelled within Paul.  Praise be to God for what He has done in Paul’s life and the example that he can be of the godly life.


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