Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Year 7, Day 53: Exodus 4

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Today we get another glimpse of the implementation of God’s plan.  It is easy to become fixated on the events of this story because of the miraculous nature of them.  Moses’ hand becomes leprous when he sticks it inside of his cloak.  Moses’ staff turns into a serpent until he grabs it by the tail.  God promises that He will turn the Nile water into blood if absolutely necessary.  These are captivating elements of a story indeed.

Although it is easy to get fixated on the events, when we do so we miss a significant portion of the story.  Look at how Moses acts in the story.  We get a great glimpse of human nature here.  In the last chapter, we saw how God used Moses’ curiosity to get his attention.  Now, however, when God puts the focus on Moses’ upcoming action we begin to see a little hesitation within Moses.  Moses wonders why they would believe him.  After all, he is a murderer.  Why would they believe the words of a murderer?

Perhaps there is also a hint of fear within his words.  God is asking some big things from him.  In order to accomplish them, he is going to need to go before the Hebrew leaders.  He is also going to need to go before Pharaoh – likely the son of the Pharaoh who raised him – and make requests.  There are many good reasons for him to fear.  God is setting out a difficult road, fraught with many difficult activities to come.

Notice that God does not abandon Moses in spite of his hesitation or his fear or whatever else that he is feeling.  God doesn’t expect us to blindly follow with absolute courage.  He expects us to follow in human ways.  He expects us to be fearful, especially when asking great things.  He expects us to be timid from time to time.  He expects us to be confused and not understand.  These are all normal things for us to experience and they do not prohibit God from using us.

One of the great things about studying God’s Word is being free to look at the people God uses.  When we do, we get a long list of flawed, yet obedient, servants.  God’s Word does show us incredible acts of supernatural power.  But perhaps even more importantly it shows us His action through some very normal human beings.  That is a God who desires to be in relationship with us.


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