Monday, September 24, 2018

Year 8, Day 267: John 19

Theological Commentary: Click Here

This chapter is the crux of the story.  It is here that we find the moment for which Jesus came.  He was arrested in the last chapter.  He is tried and crucified in this chapter.  The death of God is the sacrifice that can redeem all of humanity.  I still find it odd that instead of God condemning humanity for killing His own Son that He would instead see it as forgiveness.  As odd as that sounds, I am immensely grateful.

There are more oddities in this story.  First, look at Pilate.  He has Jesus flogged, beaten, and dressed in purple.  The rest of the story he seeks to release Him because Pilate can find no fault in Jesus.  Why does Pilate behave this way?  There are a couple of reasons, and I don’t believe we can be certain which is the truest of them all.  First, power does corrupt.  Pilate might simply be making a statement about his power.  However, we know that the relationship between the Jews and the Romans was not good.  Pilate might see this as an opportunity to irritate the Jewish leaders.  Either way, Pilate acts oddly considering that he finds Jesus innocent of the charges.

Furthermore, look at the level to which the religious leaders must go in order to get Jesus crucified.  They yell that they have no king but Caesar.  The very irritant that they were looking for the Messiah to abolish is that which they must shout in order to kill the Son of God.  How odd it is that human beings will say anything to get what they  want.

Then we have the behavior of Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea.  Here are two extraordinarily upstanding Jews.  At the moment of Passover – the holiest of days in the Jewish calendar – they voluntarily go out and touch a dead body and in doing so make themselves unable to partake in Passover.  These two Jewish leaders would rather honor Jesus than partake in the Passover.  That’s an odd act that makes quite the clear point as to their true allegiances.

In the end, I think it is a fitting set of stories.  An encounter with Jesus brings about odd behavior.  Sensible people often act insensibly when they come in contact with God.  Some people lash out angrily.  Other people are overcome with thanksgiving and generosity.  Some turn in hatred.  Others reach out in inexplicable love.  When we meet God, our true self comes out.  Which will be my response?


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