Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Year 9, Day 197: Matthew 23

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Matthew 23 contains a long diatribe against the religious leaders.  The crucifixion is coming quickly.  He is almost done with His ministry and a few things need to be said openly.  Jesus has questioned the religious leaders before.  He has spoken parables against them.  Now is the time to speak openly about their error.

What is it with which Jesus has an issue?  Jesus is concerned that the religious leaders are giving off an appearance of righteousness but covering up what truly lies within.  Actually, I don’t think that is quite right.  Jesus is concerned that those who follow the religious leaders will develop the same traits.  Jesus is concerned that if the religious leaders put on holiness like a cloak to cover up the greed and power hunger that lives within then those who follow them will learn to live the same way.

In short, if you read through this list of woes, there is a strong sense that the inside of the religious leaders doesn’t match the outside.  Human sinfulness lies within while a coat of cultural purity masks its presence.  Jesus argues that their forefathers – the ones who killed the prophets and ultimately watched God’s judgment come upon them in the form of Babylon and Assyria – were just like them.

Here we get to the heart of Jesus’ argument.  Religious leaders, much like every other human being on the planet, have evil within.  All people are subject to the temptations of greed, lust for power, lust for popularity, lust for control, and the like.  Those who bury it within are prone to succumbing to its effects.  That’s what Jesus is talking about.  The only way to truly combat the evil within is to bring it to the surface so that we can do daily battle against it.  The religious leaders look perfect but are corrupt within.  Jesus is teaching His disciples to look real on the outside and the inside, acknowledging the struggle that truly exists between humanity and righteousness.


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