Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Year 5, Day 195: Psalm 50

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: King

  • King: This is the pinnacle of the Kingdom Triangle.  When we look towards God’s position in the universe, we acknowledge that He is an omnipotent king.  Authority comes from Him.  Power comes through His authority.  He is looking for representatives for His kingdom.

This psalm opens with a great statement of God’s omnipotence.  He is clearly king.  He comes.  He judges.  He does not have to tell us His secrets – like when He is hungry.  He is the one who controls the movements of heaven.  He is the one who can testify against us.  He is the one who does not have to accept our sacrifices.  This is God.  He is omnipotent.  He doesn’t need us to validate Him.

On the other hand, we also see a picture of us in contrast. What right do any of us have to what He offers to us?  We hate discipline.  We put God’s Word aside so that we can do what pleases us.  We enjoy the downfall of others.

Do you see the contrast between these two paragraphs?  This is why God is king and we are not.  This is why we should humble ourselves to Him and submit to Him.  He is the only one who can righteously sit in judgment over us.  He is the only one who truly knows what we need.  He is God.  He is king.  We are not.


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