Thursday, August 25, 2016

Year 6, Day 237: 1 John 3

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Father

  • Father: This is the pinnacle of the Covenant Triangle.  God is the Father.  He is the creator.  He is love.  Our relationship with the Father is rooted in His love for us.  We get our identity through Him.  When the Father is in our life, obedience becomes clear.

We are the children of God.  That is truly the undercurrent of the whole of God’s Word.  God created us.  We sinned; God sent His Son to us to redeem us.  God is coming again so that when He appears we will live with Him.  It really, truly is a simple message.  It is an inspirational message, too.  No matter who we are, no matter what we’ve done, we can belong to Him.  He is our true Father.

Following this message of inspiration, John then returns to the idea of obedience.  This is really a question of identity.  If we are truly getting our identity from the Father, shouldn’t our actions demonstrate this?  If the Son came to take away sin, what does it mean when we keep on sinning?  If He is our Father, should we not spend more time imitating Him and following in His love?

To this end, John reminds us about love.  He loved us.  He loved us enough that He sent His Son to lay down His life for our sake.  If we are truly in the Father, then we should do likewise.  If the Father gave up everything to come and be like us for our sake, should we not follow in that pattern?

In the end, though, regardless of how often we try to imitate the Father or even how well we do it, He is still the Father.  He loves us.  He desires relationship with us.  He forgives.  He restores.  Again and again – we never deserve it – He is the greatest Father we will ever know.


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