Saturday, October 22, 2016

Year 6, Day 295: 1 Chronicles 23

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Calling

  • Calling asks whether or not God has called the person to the particular work at this point in their life.

On one hand, looking at the topic of calling when we read this chapter seems like a no-brainer.  This chapter is all about the Levites.  These are the ones who were in charge of the religious affairs of the country.  Naturally, their calling would revolve around the temple.

But if we allow ourselves to think a little more deeply than this, we can see this chapter in a greater light.  Remember that the Levites were charged with the care of the Tabernacle and the Ark.  They were the ones responsible for moving the Ark.  They were the ones responsible for caring for the tabernacle as well as setting it up and taking it down whenever the site for worship would move.

From this perspective, this chapter brings up a whole new level.  As David is making preparations for Solomon to construct the temple, David knows that the task of moving the Tabernacle and the Ark will be unnecessary. You can move walls of stone, and the Ark is going to remain within those walls!  These Levites are going to need new jobs.  David reorganizes the Levites so that they will have new jobs under the new temple system.

What do we learn from this?  Calling is based on context.  We aren’t necessarily called to the same thing for our entire life.  As our circumstances change, our calling can change with it.  As God’s plan for the world develops, His calling for His servants may  change with it.


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