Monday, June 18, 2018

Year 8, Day 169: Psalms 15-16

Theological Commentary: Click Here

The two psalms for today give us a shift in perspective.  Rather than focusing on the evil nature of the wicked around us, today’s psalms ask us to contemplate what it means to be a person who walks in the ways of the Lord.  Who are the righteous?  What does their life look like?  What does it mean to not simply speak one’s faith in words but actually live it out?

The first thing that we note is that a righteous person is righteous in their heart.  That righteousness comes from truth.  The heart of the righteous is focused on truth, not lies or deceit.  The righteous person’s heart seeks a fair look, and not a biased look, at their own life.  They are honest, not deceptive.

There are fruit to be had when one’s heart is right.  A righteous heart leads to productive relationships with one’s neighbors.  It leads to disgust when looking at evil or vile behavior.  It leads to fair and even generous sharing of resources.  In other words, the righteous person becomes a blessing to one’s community, not just oneself.  You can always tell the work of a righteous person because he makes the world around him a better place.

So how does one get a righteous heart?  Psalm 16 gives us some good advice.  The righteous person is informed by, not just in, the Lord’s ways.  The Lord’s ways aren’t something to be understood but lived.  It is the counsel of the Lord that the righteous seek.  It is the comfort that comes with closeness to the Lord that the righteous seek.  It is the joy that comes with walking with one’s God that the righteous seek.


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