Sunday, March 3, 2019

Year 9, Day 62: Jeremiah 9

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Jeremiah 9 is all about the struggles of the human heart.  What is it we want?  What is it we pursue?  What are the consequences of these choices?

Naturally, the human condition is one of sin.  We don’t do what is right.  We break relationships.  We lie, cheat, steal, and violate trust.  When push comes to shove, all of our hearts have that selfishly black spot that thinks of nobody except ourselves.

This is where we are at most conflict with God.  To put it simply, our hearts can only pursue one master.  We can follow our own desires, of course.  Or, we can follow His.  We can be our own master or we can submit to Him.  It’s a pretty basic choice when you boil it down to that level.

Who is as wise as God?  Who is as powerful as God?  Who is capable of creating like God can?  Who is worth following besides God?  Are our own hearts actually able to lead us as well as God can lead us?

This is why God ends the chapter with a passage on boasting.  Wise people boast in the Lord, not themselves.  Wise men submit to the ways of the Lord.  Wise people realize the joy in doing love, peace, and justice.  When it comes to having a fulfilling life, we’re far better off when we pursue the things of God and not the things that lie within our own heart.


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