Saturday, September 21, 2019

Year 9, Day 264: Zechariah 5

Theological Commentary: Click Here

The visions in this chapter are not combined, but they are placed side by side to convey a combined meaning.  They are also difficult to perceive.  Once more, Zechariah has difficulty understanding.  What he sees makes sense to him, but he cannot make sense of the deeper spiritual meaning.

With the flying scroll, God is attacking how people treat each other.  Those who steal will receive the curse.  Those who take away from another person’s reputation likewise receive the curse.

Why is God targeting these two sins in particular?  Remember that Zechariah is writing as the people are coming back from exile.  They are rebuilding the land.  This is not the time for divisions to develop among the people.  This is not the time for enemies to be made among people who should be supporting one another.  This is not the time to let infighting deplete what few resources are there to allow the Hebrew people to rebuilt.

Furthermore, remember that the Hebrew people went into exile because they believed that they were untouchable.  They believed that God wouldn’t judge them because they were His people.  God wants to remind them that as they are coming back from exile that God’s curse can apply to them as well as the rest of the world.

This leads us into the second vision.  Here we have a woman in a basket.  Hat isn’t clear, though, is that the word for basket plays a double role in Hebrew.  It is the word for the largest unit of measurement for the Hebrew people of the day.  In other words, God gives Zechariah a vision of wickedness that can only be kept in the largest container available.

What’s God’s point?  As the Hebrew people return from exile, they need to be reminded that their sinfulness is vast.  Human sinfulness is great in size.  Not only will it be judged, as learned in the first vision, but it has a right to be judged because of its greatness in quantity.  It isn’t like human beings are slightly evil.  It isn’t like we are mostly good with sporadic moments of sin.  We are sinful human beings whose sin taints just about everything with which we come into contact.


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