Saturday, September 28, 2013

Year 3, Day 271: Zechariah 12-13

The Stone upon which the Nations Hurt Themselves

I’m going to go away from the typical “millennial” interpretation of the end of Zechariah which often sees Zechariah 12-14 in terms of the last days, God’s Judgment, the Battle of Armageddon, etc.  Mind you, it isn’t that I think such an interpretation is invalid.  Rather, it is that I think there is a more easily understood interpretation in the past.  This leaves the future understanding often spoken about as an addition fulfillment of this scripture as only the Holy Spirit can do.

In these verses we hear about Jerusalem becoming a cup of staggering.  We hear about something happening in Judah upon which all the nations will stumble.  Anyone who tries to enforce their will upon this thing that is happening will truly hurt themselves.  In that day light will come into the world as the clan of Judah will become like a blazing torch.  In that day Judah will be saved first.  {Note the use of the word first, not only.}  In that day the feeblest among the faithful people of Judah will be like David.

Now, when I hear those words I cannot help but think not of the second coming of Christ but rather of the His first coming!  Is not the life and death of Jesus one of the preeminent discussions of “stumbling” for most of the world?  Do not those who try and enforce themselves upon the Gospel of Christ – either from within or without – eventually end up hurting themselves?  Is Jesus Christ not the light of the world, bringing in a truth through humble submission unlike anything else we’ve ever known?  Did not salvation come through Judah to the Jews first?  In Christ, are we not all transformed into priests – even the lowest and feeblest among us?

Say what you will; let the commentaries be silent.  I think that it is clear that these verses first look to the coming of the Messiah – the humble servant Lord Jesus Christ who was to be crucified.  Only after we see them in that light can we look ahead to a future interpretation.

Him Who Was Pierced

Again I see the first coming of Christ in the closing words of Zechariah 12 – although to be fair I would confess that clearly these words speak about the time following the crucifixion.  Certainly we live within a time period when people look upon the Christ who was crucified and mourn with sorrow.  We mourn because we know that it is our human sinfulness that put Him there.

At the same time, those of us who do contemplate Jesus upon the cross are struck with a sense of mercy and compassion.  We do seek grace.  We do plea for help.  We do mourn on account of our recognized sinfulness.

And I do believe that there is a fountain that has been opened for us.  In the coming of the Holy Spirit we have access to a bubbling fountain within.  Yesterday I spoke of the fact that the Holy Spirit works on sanctifying our heart.  Today I again assert that it is this Holy Spirit dwelling within us that is a fountain of life within a dark and dying shell of life.  Through God we receive grace and the purification of our souls.  We are cleansed because of what we have found in Christ.  The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of that salvation.

Idolatry and False Prophesy

Here again we have scripture that is being fulfilled in our midst.  Idolatry is put away.  When we truly turn to Christ, we put away the idolatry that our flesh craves.  It is happening within us here and now and has been happening in the people of the world for nearly two millennia.

Furthermore, we also see an end to false prophesy.  People who truly accept Christ and who truly listen to the Spirit within are coming to an end of their false prophesy.  The messages change from “do as you desire” and “do what feels good” to “wait upon the Lord” and “follow what He says is good.”

However, here we also get a sense that these words of Zechariah 12-14 may yet be fulfilled again in a new way.  For you see, not all people have put away their idols.  Even within those of us who try, we still have idols.  Not all of us have put away false prophecy.  Even in those of us who try, the occasional false prophecy slips out.  I believe a day is coming when all idolatry and false prophecy will be done away with for good.  I believe these words were fulfilled in Christ.  I also believe that in Christ’s second coming they will be fulfilled again and fulfilled on a new and universal level.

Shepherd Struck

It is this passage that leads me even more fervently to believe that we should see Zechariah 12-14 as pointing more to Christ’s first coming than His second.  After all, the authors of the New Testament seem to agree.  For example, see Jesus’ own words in Matthew 26:31 and the surrounding context of that verse.

We see that in Jesus’ days He is struck and His disciples scatter.  We see that while a good number of Jews do convert to Christianity at Pentecost and beyond – it is certainly a minority that converts.  Even into the present day, much of the Jewish nation has remained true to the traditional Judaism rather than converting into Messianic Judaism.  We do understand that the time following Pentecost but before Christ’s second coming is indeed a time of spiritual refinement.

Those who follow Christ are God’s people – be they Gentile or Jew.  He will listen when they call to Him.  Because they follow spiritually and not just in show they will indeed be welcomed into His fold and refined by His hand.  Again we are left with a sense of being welcomed into a dynamic that we certainly do not deserve.


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