Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Year 4, Day 42: Genesis 43

Theological Commentary: Click Here 

Discipleship Focus: Power

  • Power: This is the natural outcome when we truly get our authority from the king.  When our authority is from God, we are equipped with His power to accomplish His will.  We act on His behalf in a world that He desperately loves.

Yesterday we opened the conversation about authority.  Joseph certainly had authority from God over Egypt and over his brothers.  Today we see that he has power.

The first instance of power that we see in Joseph is in Jacob.  Jacob doesn’t want to send his sons back to Egypt.  He certainly doesn’t want to send Benjamin to Egypt at all!  Jacob knows the power that Joseph wields.

For the record, so do his brothers.  But they just happen to be hungry enough to overcome what fear they may have for Joseph’s power.

As we did yesterday, let us look at what Joseph does with this gift of God.  Joseph uses his power to put God’s grace on display.  Joseph welcomes his brothers.  Joseph grants food from his own table for his brothers.  Joseph grants Benjamin, his brother from the same mother, five times the portion of the rest.

Joseph had all the power in the world.  But here he uses that power to put God’s grace on display.  This is a theme we’ll see even more over the next few days.  True power comes from genuine authority.  Genuine authority comes from the king of the universe.  Joseph puts God on display when he acts.


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