Friday, April 15, 2016

Year 6, Day 106: Hebrews 2

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Imitation

  • Imitation: This is the second over-arching step of the discipleship process.  First we gain information, then we imitate our spiritual mentor.  Imitation leads to innovation of spirituality in our own life.

Why did Christ come to earth?  Of course, the grand answer to this is so that redemption might come to creation.  Without Christ, there is no eternal forgiveness of sin.  Without Christ, relationship with God is simply not possible.  He came to die so that we might live.

Yet, in coming to die, He came so that we might have an example.  He came so that we could imitate Him.  He came so that we could become like Him.  He came so that we could see God’s power and love and not just follow Him but allow Him to change us so that we are like Him.

He became like us so that we might become like Him.  It is really that simple.  Why wouldn’t we be willing to imitate a person who gave up everything including life itself so that we could live a life more closely related to God?


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