Sunday, August 14, 2016

Year 6, Day 226: Amos 4

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Calling

  • Calling asks whether or not God has called the person to the particular work at this point in their life.

When we read through this chapter in Amos, we get a strong sense of love.  Yes, there is a heavy hand of vengeance and judgment.  But the overarching phrase that returns is, “Yet, you did not return to me.”  God isn’t primarily concerned about making sure that their sins are punished.  God is concerned that the relationship is broken.

This is a dynamic that I believe is often lost when we talk about God.  It is so easy to talk about God as an all-powerful being who can mete out judgment and wrath and punish us for our inability to live in ways fitting for our created purpose.  While God certainly is powerful enough to step into that role, it is not the role that God desires to play.  God desires to be in a role of relationship rather than judge.

This leads us to the idea of calling.  We are called to be in relationship with God and with each other.  We are called to live according to our created purpose.

When we disobey, we are called to listen to God’s correction and return to Him.


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