Friday, January 27, 2017

Year 7, Day 27: Genesis 28

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Today we have the beginning of the redemption story of Jacob.  Naturally, that doesn’t mean that Jacob is going to get everything right in the future.  But it does mean that God does not abandon those who are dwelling in sin.  Do you remember all of the sin in the story yesterday?  God intervenes in this chapter and begins to right that ship.

Isaac sends Jacob away to his family back in the land that Abraham dwelled in.  Remember, this is also the land that Jacob’s grandmother, Sarah, came from.  It is also the land that Jacob’s mother, Rebekah, came from.  Jacob is really being sent among his kin to find a wife.

On the way, God comes and visits Jacob.  God gives Jacob a vision.  What is it that this vision means?  God is telling Jacob quite literally that He and His messengers come and go from heaven to the earth and back.  In other words, God is aware of what is happening on the earth.  God cares about what happens here.  God is powerful enough to do something about it, too!

But the dream is more than simply an ancient infomercial regarding the nature of God.  The dream is also a call to identity.  In this dream God calls Jacob to follow Him.  God also promises to prosper him as well.  If Jacob is willing to follow, God is willing to walk in life with Jacob.

God begins to turn Jacob away from His sinfulness by challenging His identity.  God begins to change Jacob by giving him a vision of what could be.  Jacob doesn’t need to be perfect before God visits, God knows that His presence will be a part of changing Jacob.

That’s how it is with all of us, too.  God knows that we need not be perfect before He comes to us and calls us.  His coming will be a part of our change.  His vision for our new identity will begin to mold us in His ways.


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