Sunday, January 8, 2017

Year 7, Day 8: Genesis 8

Theological Commentary: Click Here

The rains come.  The rains keep coming.  It rains longer and harder than it had ever rained before.  Noah and his family are safely conveyed through the storm by the ark.  In fact, they live on that ark for a year waiting for the waters to subside.  Talk about cabin fever!

This leads me to the end of the chapter.  The first thing that Noah does when He gets off the ark is to offer up a sacrifice to God.  I find that notable.  After being closed up for so long, I would image that Noah would be itching to get out, stretch his legs, explore the land, even figure out some permanent shelter.  But no.  The first thing that Noah does is to offer up a sacrifice to God.  That’s remarkable.

On the other hand, think about what Noah’s been through.  He’s just seen rain wipe out all of humanity.  He knows it could’ve been him, too.  From this perspective, it’s easy to see why he does a sacrifice first.  He’s got every living reminder of God’s grace within a hundred yards of his current location.

What I find in this is truth that we should carry with us.  As we go through life, it is easy to get in ruts and forget to give glory to God.  It’s easy for us to look at Noah in our everyday life and be amazed at his willingness to put God first.  That’s a good thing.  But we shouldn’t get down on ourselves, either.  Those of us who are in a meaningful relationship with God will remember to give God glory, especially when we find ourselves in circumstances where we are reminded of how easily we might have missed out on salvation.


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