Monday, April 29, 2019

Year 9, Day 119: Lamentations 2

Theological Commentary: Click Here

This second chapter of Lamentations continues where the first left off.  We open with a discussion of the Lord’s supreme power.  The Lord has crumbled the strongholds.  He has broken the iron.  He has allowed Jerusalem to become wild like an untended garden.  He has destroyed the luxurious places.  He has sent the powerful into exile.  The Lord did this.  He is indeed greater than His creation.

The danger to blame the Lord is even greater in this chapter.  There are fewer verses of guilt and understanding here.  However, there is one particularly useful stanza for keeping perspective.  Lamentations 2:19 gives us great advice in the midst of our trial.  Pour out our hearts before the Lord like water.  In other words, repent!  Lift our hands to the Lord.  In other words, turn back to Him and see Him for the source of salvation that He is!

This chapter helps us gain perspective in the midst of sorrow.  We can choose to either see God as the adversary or as the hero.  It’s easy to pick the side of adversary.  Even Jeremiah tells us in this chapter that the Lord has become like an adversary.  In the midst of doom and destruction, especially with a being who controls absolute power, it is easy to see that being as the source of our trouble and therefore the enemy.  Such a view, though, ignores our guilty.  The one with the power is not always the guilty power.  Sometimes the one with the power is the righteous judge standing before a guilty people forcing Him to take action.

When we choose to see God as adversary, we close our eyes to the truth.  We are enough of our own adversary!  God is powerful, but humans can bring destruction on ourselves and others around us well enough on our own.


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