Saturday, June 1, 2019

Year 9, Day 152: Ezekiel 26

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Today Ezekiel speaks about Tyre.  These were the seafaring people who lived along the Mediterranean coast.  We typically call them Phoenicians when speaking of them from a historical, not a spiritual, reference.  They were great traders, travelling all over the Mediterranean – and probably the Atlantic Ocean coastline in Africa and Europe.

It would be easy to say that God’s issue with Tyre is the same as yesterday.  There are certain elements of it in the reading today.  God does hint at the fact that Tyre took advantage of the Hebrew people when they were being attacked and judged by Assyria and Babylon.

I think there is much more to this, though.  What God dwells on is the destruction of the Phoenician society.  He speaks about destroying their wealth.  He speaks about removing their pleasant buildings. God says that He will stop their music.  He will strip their princes bare.

I think what God is getting at here is that the people of Tyre were too caught up in their materialistic life.  They were providing for themselves.  They were not in relationship with God; they had no need for God!  Their society was rich and functioning quite well on its own – or so they thought.

Because the people had no need for God, God would show them the error of their ways.  He would show them calamity.  He would remind them that if we focus on the material things of this world, it can be stripped away quite readily!  He will show them that if we think society is all about buying, selling, and making money then we are exceptionally shallow in our perspective!

This is why the people of Tyre will come to judgment.  Their perspective is short-sighted.  They need to be reminded that there is more to life than luxury and comfort.


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