Sunday, June 30, 2019

Year 9, Day 181: Matthew 7

Theological Commentary: Click Here

And the crowd was astonished because he taught as one with authority.  I love that description.  So often I wish that same description was true about me.  I wish I taught with the same authority as Jesus.  Then I realize where it ended for Jesus.  The crowd shouts for Him to die.  That’s the result of teaching with authority.  Eventually the crowd chants for your death.

What is Jesus teaching that amazes the crowds – and eventually allows the Pharisees to turn them against Him?  He is radical.  He is radical, but not in the way most people think about radical.

Jesus tells us to focus on getting our own house in order.  That’s what the first message is all about.  How on earth can I possibly help anyone if I am ignorant of my own failings?  How will I be able to speak truth into the lives of others if I am not even able to apply truth to my own life and show why that truth is so valuable?

This is why Jesus cautions us to enter by the narrow gate.  This is why He tells us to build our house on the firm foundation of God’s ways.  In order to impact the world around me, I have to be focused on making sure that the truth is being applied to my life first.  Nobody will willingly follow a hypocrite once they are proven.  But people will occasionally follow a person who is following a difficult path if that path shows good fruit.

This brings us to one of my favorite teachings in this chapter.  Jesus reminds us that we will know people by their fruit.  Want to know a good person?  Look for how their teaching is being applied to their own life.  What to know someone worth following?  Lok for someone who practices what they preach and their life is bearing out in a way that you want to happen to you.


As an aside, I hate the corruption that modernity brings to the opening verse of this chapter.  Judge not lest ye be judged.  So many people use that to champion their cause of letting anything go.  But that is not what this is about.  It’s not my place to tell other people they are going to Hell, but it is my absolutely my place to show them where their errors might lead to hardship in life.  For the record, I want people looking out for me like that, too.

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