Sunday, December 8, 2019

Year 9, Day 342: Daniel 8

Theological Commentary: Click Here

This chapter of Daniel reveals two major players and God.  The ram, typically interpreted as the Persian Empire, is strong.  The goat, typically referred to as the Greek Empire, is stronger and more dominant but ultimately fractures because of its strength.  In the end, though, God wins.

From the ram, learn this lesson.  We can be strong and unified when we stay within our reach.  Before the goat came, the ram had things in control.  Its kingdom was just fine.  It was strong and healthy.  The ram didn’t overextend and it had a great existence.

Then the goat comes along.  The ram cannot win, so even though it is doing things right, it still loses.  The greed of the goat is too much for the ram to take.  What do we learn from the interaction of the two?  Sometimes people who ae doing things the right way get swallowed up by those who are lusting after what lies in their heart.  The ram is having a fine existence until the goat imposes its will upon the ram.

From the goat, learn this lesson.  When we pursue the lust of our heart, we might get what we want for a time but it will ultimately destroy us.  The goat looks strong and indestructible.  Then, its power fragments.  Its power fragments because it has overextended itself through its lust after power.  The goat begins to challenge God for His place.  This causes God to step in and cast it out in judgment.  Pursuing the lusts in our hearts always puts us as risk of challenging God’s place in our life.

There is a lesson to learn from Daniel.  Actually, I believe there are two.  First, notice that once ore this great wise man cannot understand God’s vision.  He needs help.  Daniel is great because he continues to understand that it is God who makes him great.  Rather than overextending himself like the goat, Daniel humbles himself and gains wisdom.

The second lesson is that Daniel is sick after the vision.  Seeing the truth about the human lust for power makes him ill.  Having an interaction with something that is so central to his being that it requires intervention by God makes him ill.  Often, it hurts to see the truth.  Once Daniel sees the truth about humanity, it takes him a few days to get his head right again.  It takes Daniel a while to process what is going on.


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