Thursday, December 19, 2019

Year 9, Day 353: Revelation 8

Theological Commentary: Click Here

In Revelation 8, true judgment comes.  We move from an analogy to the history of the world to a look at God’s response.  Angels are brought forth with judgments to dispense.  The tone turns darker.

Before the judgments come, though, the last of the seals is opened.  God has a surprise for us.  The last seal brings silence.  There is a time before judgment comes for reckoning.  This is that moment when you’ve done something wrong and you’ve been caught.  It’s the moment where you decide to continue the lie or to fess up to the truth.  There is a moment of silence before, quite literally, all hell breaks loose.

When the trumpets blast, God unleashes natural fury.  A third of practically everything is destroyed.  Nothing is outside of God’s grasp. People frequently note how these trumpet blasts are reminiscent of the plagues in Egypt.  Note that those plagues were also judgment!

What is going on here?  God is making the same point here that He made in the Exodus story.  He is in charge.  Nature is on His side.  His judgments are a warning of a greater impending danger.  He uses the judgments to allow us a moment to give Him our attention.

In the end, we are greeted with a woe.  Woe to those who remain on the earth.  Things were bad, but they are about to get worse.  The judgment is about to go from warning to grave danger.


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