Friday, December 2, 2016

Year 6, Day 336: Daniel 2

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Daniel is such an impressive figure in the faith.  That’s no surprise, he is constantly lifted up as one of the boldest men of the faith.  Daniel steps out on limbs, knowing that God is supporting him at every turn.  He is constantly willing to put himself on the line in order to give God glory and praise.

For example, look at this chapter.  The Babylonian king has a dream and demands for the interpretation.  However, he doesn’t tell anyone what the dream was!  This seems somewhat unfair from a human perspective.  After all, who can interpret a dream that they have never heard.  However, from the perspective of the king, what better way is there to distinguish between human wisdom and the divine?  If someone who has never heard the dream comes and tells you the dream and its interpretation, that’s a pretty good clue that something spiritual is going on!

That’s exactly what Daniel does.  He hears that the king is mad at the court wise men because they are proving their humanity in being unable to answer his summons.  Watch what Daniel does.  Daniel steps out in faith.  Notice that Daniel wasn’t told by God to do this.  Furthermore, if we can take the chronology of the chapter at face value, Daniel doesn’t discover the interpretation of the dream until after volunteering to accomplish the task.  Daniel steps out in faith, trusting that God will provide.

That is precisely what happens.  Daniel tells the king that he can interpret the dream.  Then Daniel receives the vision from God and follows through.  The king hears the interpretation and finds Daniel to be a man of his words.  Daniels standing in the kingdom rises, and the kings wrath against his wise men abates.

However, I think the most important thing to remember in this whole chapter is why Daniel does this act.  Daniel doesn’t do this for his own glory.  He isn’t seeking to be great.  He isn’t looking to put other people down by demonstrating his own greatness.  Daniel does it so that God’s name will be praised.  Daniel steps forth in order to give opportunity to bring praise and glory to God.  That’s what is truly important.


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