Saturday, December 31, 2016

Year 6, Day 365: Revelation 22

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Somehow it just feels fitting to close the book of Revelation on December 31.  I know that it really isn’t an end, because I’m going to open up Genesis again tomorrow morning.  But the completion of a year ends well by reading this chapter.  Take a strong look at what they chapter has to offer we see so many great concepts here.

We start with the river of life.  It gives life to everything.  It comes from the throne of God.  In other words, Life comes from God.  We know that; it’s neat to remember that as the year closes.

We also hear about the tree of life, with its many fruit.  There’s a fruit for all seasons.  God can speak to every situation.  Furthermore, the leaves are for the healing of all nations.  Humanity has had millennia to tear each other apart; God will have an eternity to make sure those wounds are permanently healed.

Then we hear that Jesus is coming soon.  Mind you, soon is a godly word and when compared with words like eternal, soon is completely relative.  But Jesus is coming.

Which leads me to my favorite part of this chapter.  What are the responses we hear to Jesus’ coming?  Every response we hear is, “Come.”  There is anticipation.  There is excitement.  There is a desire to know Christ in the eternal, forever, healed, and satisfied.

That is also a word of invitation.  We hear the spirit and the bride inviting others when they say “Come.”  As we anticipate Christ, we should desire others to anticipate Christ, too.

Do you notice what you don’t hear?  You don’t hear the response, “Come, now.”  You don’t hear people ordering Jesus around.  You hear a patient response that is willing to working in God’s agenda and giving free will to others.  There’s no pressure.  There’s no stress.  There’s no push.  There is open invitation and a willingness to work with the timeline that God sets forth.  That’s a great way to end the year.  The book of Revelation ends not with human beings being pushy about what they want to happen but with human beings finally understanding that life is best lived humbled to God’s will.


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