Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Year 8, Day 325: 1 Timothy 5

Theological Commentary: Click Here

In many respects, being a part of the church should be the easiest and most natural thing in the world.  After all, being a part of the church should be no harder than participating in the best thing.  Being a part of the church shouldn’t be any harder than finding where God is at work and joining up with that.

As an example, Paul tells Timothy to care for the widows.  We should be concerned for those people who do not have a means to support themselves or have a voice in the community.  Caring for such people should be a natural extension of what it means to be the body of Christ.

As another example, caring for those in our midst who are doing so much ministry that they don’t have the time to care for their own needs.  If someone is spending themselves caring for others, shouldn’t we want to care for them?  Shouldn’t the example of the selfless ministry inspire us to participate in selfless ministry of our own?

Unfortunately, the reality is that belonging to a community of believers is no easier than belonging to any other organization of human beings.  Paul warns Timothy about widows who will look to take advantage of being cared for by becoming gossips and lazy.  There will always be people who bring charges through their own jealousy or envy against those in leadership, which is why Paul recommends to Timothy that such charges need to be sustained by multiple witnesses.

In the end, Paul simply is encouraging Timothy to do what makes sense to do within God’s will.  Care for people.  Love people.  Show them grace and mercy.  Do the things that make sense.  Do the things of which Jesus would approve.  However, don’t be naïve.  Understand that even in the church people will take advantage.  Do ministry that makes sense, but don’t set up circumstances for people to take advantage and walk into sinful habits.


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