Monday, December 6, 2010

Year 0, Day 6: Daniel 6

THE Story

This is the epitome of Daniel.  It is the story that is told to young children because they usually are very interested in things like lions.  It is the first story almost everyone thinks of when you say the name Daniel.  This story is the “big scene” that everyone waits for when they read through this book.

This story does not disappoint.  It is filled with deceit.  It is filled with the hero suffering unjust punishment.  It is filled with a leader torn.  It is filled with the hero being vindicated at the end.  Not only is this story the epitome of Daniel, but this story is the epitome of true heroic literature.

Daniel’s Faithfulness

So for all that set-up, what can we learn from this story?  Plenty.  In an ironic twist of fate for this blog, let’s look at Daniel first.  The opening verses clue us in on an absolute truth.  Those who are truly faithful to God’s ways will find themselves respected by respectable people – and therefore despised by despicable people.  Daniel is faithful to God’s desire to uphold truth, honesty, fairness, righteousness, etc and he is elevated to an authority over even the satraps, who were themselves an authority over the whole kingdom of the Medes and the Persians. 

Don’t hear me saying that Daniel prospered because of his faithfulness.  Daniel prospered because God made Daniel prosper, not because Daniel earned it!  But what I am saying is that Daniel was respected by respectable men because he lived a divinely respectable life.  That’s the real point here.  If you want respectable people to respect you, live a divinely respectable life!

If God chooses to make you prosper along the way, then watch out!  God’s getting ready to not only allow you to be respected but also to use you to demonstrate his glory and majesty!  (Which is a good thing, but it does often involve a bit of trial as we see here in Daniel.  But I digress).

It’s a Dog Eat Dog World…

Also notice that Daniel is loathed by those who would seek competition with him.  In his righteousness, Daniel accepted what God saw fit to give to him.  Daniel is never haughty, nor does Daniel flaunt his gifts or demand glory in return for his wisdom.  But apparently the other two presidents and the rest of the satraps followed the competitive “dog eat dog” passion of the world.  They bought into one of the ideals that is currently utterly destroying our own culture!  Funny that Solomon was right … there really is nothing new under the sun!  {Ecclesiastes 1:9-11}  Today we believe in the same premise we see demonstrated in Daniel 6.  It is easier to get glory by tearing others around me down rather than making the effort to actually improve myself.

Think about it.  How much advertisement on TV is done not by talking about the strengths of the product but by telling you how bad all the competitor’s products are?  How much of our entertainment industry – let alone our fascination with professional sports – is built off tearing down the “competition.”  Rather than let our actions speak for themselves (which is what God allowed in Daniel) these presidents and satraps plan to destroy Daniel by discrediting him.  Welcome to the world, Daniel.

King Darius

So now we look at the king.  I actually give Darius a ton of credit for his actions here.  He puts a decree into motion and sticks to his guns.  Feel free to argue with me, because I am arguing with myself even as I type this, but I think Darius deserves some credit for following through with the decree rather than going back on his word.  Had Darius gone back on his word, he would have discredited himself.  He would not have been a person whose word was worth following.  Yet, Darius has enough faith in Daniel’s God that he believes Daniel is not automatically condemned to death through his action. 

See Daniel 6:16 as evidence.  Darius follows through with his decree – keeping his word – trusting that God can and would provide.  And lo and behold, God does!  The lesson for Darius and us all seems to be: Don’t make rules you aren’t serious about enforcing.  I think that’s a pretty good rule for life whether it be as an employer, as a social leader, or even as a parent.  Make rules you are serious about keeping, stick to your guns, and always look for God to provide a way out when we mess up and make silly rules.

Despicable Satraps

Last of all we look at the despicable deceivers - thrown into the lion’s den themselves.  Ah, the unjust get justice.  There’s something satisfying about this, no?  God prevails, God prevails, God prevails.  And ultimately, that is true about all of our lives.  Daniel lives faithfully and people come against him because of it.  Yet Daniel abides by his faith, does not abandon it, and God demonstrates that He has the ultimate say.  So be it, even in the end of the age.  One thing is for sure, God will always get the last word in life, and especially in death.  Praise be to God, the Alpha and most assuredly the Omega.

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