Friday, December 27, 2013

Year 3, Day 361: Revelation 18

Theological Commentary: Click Here 

Discipleship Focus: Identity

  • Identity: Our true identity comes from God.  Only when our identity comes from God can we be obedient in ways that satisfy our person to our core.

As we continue our glance towards John’s description of Babylon, I think it is likewise prudent to continue our focus upon identity.  Look not only at Babylon, but at the way people react to the desolation of Babylon.

The kings lament over Babylon because their luxury is taken away from them.  They lament over Babylon because the easy living is removed.  They don’t genuinely mourn over Babylon’s loss.  They mourn over how her destruction will affect their life.  The identity of the kings is not rooted in God.  Their identity is rooted in their lifestyle, their affluence, their luxury, and their ease of living.

The same is true about the merchants.  They do mourn over Babylon.  But they mourn about their inability to make a profit from within Babylon’s influence.  They mourn about all of the affluence within that could no longer be accessed and from which there could be no more profit.  Their identity is also not in God.  Their identity is on the money that could no longer be made and the goods that will no longer be traded.

Again we see the importance on having our identity truly focused upon God and God’s ways.  Only when we are rooted in God is our focus with God.  Only when we are with God do we mourn for the right things and long for the right things.  Only when our identity is in God can we no longer be at the center of our own universe.


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