Thursday, December 11, 2014

Year 4, Day 345: 1 Kings 4

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Appetite

  • Appetite: We all have needs that need to be filled.  When we allow ourselves to be filled with the people and things that God brings into our life, we will be satisfied because our In will be in proper focus.  But when we try to fill ourselves with our own desires we end up frustrated by an insatiable hunger.

Yesterday I spend a good bit of time praising Solomon and his choice for wisdom.  Unfortunately, that praise lasts one day before we begin to see issues with Solomon.  Solomon’s issues seem to stem from his appetite.

This shouldn’t really surprise us.  David suffered from an issue of appetite.  David’s appetite was predominantly with respect to women.  Solomon certainly has this issue – 300 wives and 700 concubines.  The sins of the father are often seen in the son.  But Solomon’s issue with appetite is really more than that.  His issue is with respect to resources and demands upon the people.

Look at how much food had to be supplied to Solomon to sustain his bureaucracy.  Look at how many chariots he had to maintain on a regular basis.  Of course, chariots require horses, which come from Egypt and likewise need to be maintained, too.  Solomon was consuming the resources of the land.

Solomon’s appetite seems to revolve around the things of the world.  Solomon wants stuff.  This is costly to the kingdom.  And it is only going to get worse as Solomon’s kingdom expands, his reputation grows, and he gets more and more reputation in the ancient world.  Is there any wonder why the kingdom splits after Solomon’s reign?  Solomon’s appetite for the things of the world put an unnecessary strain upon the kingdom.


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