Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Year 5, Day 76: 1 Corinthians 7

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Identity

  • Identity: Our true identity comes from the Father.  Only when our identity comes from God can we be obedient in ways that satisfy our person to our core.

One of my favorite parts of scripture is Paul’s writing in this section.  No, I’m not actually talking about his advice on sex and marriage.  I actually think those words are difficult to hear and even more difficult to apply in our world.  Especially in the western world, we live in a culture where human sexuality pervades so much our life and culture that it’s hard to even get away from its influence.

What I’m talking about is the closing section of this chapter.  Paul tells us that wherever we find ourselves in this world that we should focus on being faithful to God.  If we are a slave, be a godly slave to the best of our ability!  If we’re free, then be free to the best of our ability!  If married, then be the godliest spouse possible.  If single, then be the godliest single person possible.

In a sense, Paul is telling us to let our identity from God influence the rest of our life rather than the other way around.  My godliness should be the core of my identity.  My desire to embrace the characteristics of God should influence the rest of who I am.  My relationship with God should not be influenced by my life; my life should influence be influenced by my relationship with God!

In other words, my identity should come from God.  If my identity comes from God, then I can be faithful in every way.  If my identity comes from God, then where I am in life matters a whole lot less.  If my identity comes from God, then I can be godly in whatever circumstance I find myself. 

I know.  That’s easier said than done.


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