Thursday, July 2, 2015

Year 5, Day 183: Philippians 1

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: In

  • In: This is the word we use to express our relationships with our spiritual family.  These are often the people who hold us spiritually accountable.  They are the ones to whom we typically go for discussion and discernment.  These are the ones with whom we learn to share leadership.  They are the ones with whom we become family on mission.

Philippians is an incredible book through which we can view Paul.  In most of his letters, Paul is writing because there is some kind of problem that needs to be sorted out and dealt with.  This is true in Galatians.  It is true in both of the Corinthian letters.  It is certainly true in Philemon, and in a different sense it is true in the letters to Timothy and Titus.  But here in Philippians we don’t have an issue.  We have Paul rejoicing in his relationship with the people of Philippi.

That’s what In is all about.  Our In are the people with whom we long to be spiritual.  Our In are the people with whom we can be honest and be ourselves.  Our In are the people that we let see our problems and we really let them rejoice when something in our life is worth rejoicing.

Look at what Paul says in this letter.  He loves them.  He rejoices over their memory.  He prays for them.  He honestly shares with them about his hardships.  He tells them about the imprisonments and other persecutions.

However, I think one of the most In-related verses of the Bible that I have read in a long time is Philippians 1:25.  As Paul wrestles with his desire to be with God or to continue living this life, he comes to a very bold conclusion.  While he would rather die and move ahead on the eternal journey with God, he knows it is best to remain alive for the sake of the Philippian people.  While he would rather be with God in eternal life, he knows that the Philippian people need to continue to grow and he is willing to play that role in their life.

That’s In.  That’s relationship.  That’s sacrifice.  That’s what Christian community really looks like.


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