Thursday, July 30, 2015

Year 5, Day 211: Psalms 71-72

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Evangelist

  • Evangelist: One who looks for opportunities to proclaim the truth and is excited by it. The evangelist specializes in interacting with the world and reminding Christians that there are non-Christians in the world.  An evangelist is not timid about the faith and is often found have discussions with other people about the faith.

So why did I choose to focus on evangelism today?  For me as I read through this psalm, it was evangelism that leapt off of the page.  We will always need God and it is easy to turn to Him in our need.  We know that He will always provide.  But what I need to be reminded of quite frequently is that ever act coming out of the hand of God is an opportunity to tell others about Him.  God is so gracious and He is always there.  I shouldn’t need to be reminded to tell others about Him and His presence, but it is so easily forgotten.

When I really love about these psalms is that they come at evangelism from an angle of need.  The psalmist has known the pit, the God who saved Him from the pit, and he wants to tell other people about Him.  The psalmist has seen the poor and oppressed rescued by God and it is worth telling other people about it!  The psalmist even knows that God has seen him get himself into many calamities of his own making and yet the Lord is still there with him!  That is certainly worth telling other people about.  After all, who doesn’t make mistakes continuously and who isn’t comforted by the reminder that God doesn’t abandon us in our foolishness!

But the psalmist doesn’t just focus on what God has done for him.  That would be a bit egocentric.  The psalmist reminds us that it is God who brings the rain.  It is God who set the stars and the sun in the sky.  It is God who even gives us the fruit of the field.  It is not just what God has done for me – it is even more importantly what God has done for us in His general provision for life. 

How great is our God!  Why wouldn’t we want to tell others about Him?


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