Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Year 5, Day 203: Psalm 58

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: King

  • King: This is the pinnacle of the Kingdom Triangle.  When we look towards God’s position in the universe, we acknowledge that He is an omnipotent king.  Authority comes from Him.  Power comes through His authority.  He is looking for representatives for His kingdom.

As I say in my theological commentary form 3 years ago, Psalm 58 is a great psalm to follow Psalm 57.  Much of the themes are the same.  Humanity is corrupt.  Humanity is self-centered – from birth, even!  Humanity looks out for itself first and foremost and is willing to step over and on each other to get above the next person.  But I believe I hit that nail pretty hard yesterday.

So where does the psalmist go after making this point again?  The psalmist turns to praising God.  The psalmist turns and recognizes God’s superiority.  The psalmist reminds us that in the end, we will glory in His righteous judgment.  In the end, we will recognize that God is king.

This world may have many flaws.  Most of those flaws begin with human influences in the world.  But instead of being depressed by these flaws we can rejoice that God is king over all of this.  We might not be able to accomplish perfection – or even righteousness – in life.  But we can know God.  We can know His righteousness.  We can look forward to living with Him in His glory.  That’s why it is important to remember that He is King.


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