Saturday, November 21, 2015

Year 5, Day 325: 1 Timothy 5

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Father

  • Father: This is the pinnacle of the Covenant Triangle.  God is the Father.  He is the creator.  He is love.  Our relationship with the Father is rooted in His love for us.  We get our identity through Him.  When the Father is in our life, obedience becomes clear.

The opening verses from Paul to Timothy in chapter 5 are about dealing with one another.  There is one consistent theme through these pieces of advice.  We are to respond out of love.  In fact, it goes more deeply than that.  We are to respond out of familial love.  We are to treat our elders like mothers and fathers.  We are to treat those like us like brothers and sisters.  We are to treat widows and orphans much like extended family, including them in our activities whenever possible in order to show support to them.

This should make much sense to us who are Christian.  God is our Father, and God shows love to us.  So if God is the Father of all of us, then we are spiritual family.  If we are spiritual family, we should be treating each other as family.  That means we should be looking to display love to one another.  We should be watching out for each other in terms of protection and resources.  We are to be family with one another because God is our Father.


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