Theological Commentary: Click Here
As we continue
the story of Deborah in Judges 5, we see a familiar continuation of the themes
from the last chapter. Deborah sings a
song about the victory. Do you hear who
the main characters are in the praise?
Deborah and Jael get the praise throughout the whole hymn. Of course, it is most proper to say that
Deborah and Jael get the praise because they are the hands of God’s will.
the soldiers who came out behind Deborah and behind Barak also get praise. Ephraim, Benjamin, Issachar, Zebulun, and
Naphtali came. These are the people who
responded to the call. These are the
faithful who allowed themselves to be led.
These were the followers who were willing to risk life and death for the
completion of God’s calling.
there were also timid tribes. There were
those who did not answer the call. There
were those who hesitated when others acted.
Reuben struggled to respond.
Gilead stayed behind. Dan stayed
with their ships. Asher stayed in the
comforts of home. There are those who
rally for God. There are also those who
seek their own will when things get tough.
The real
question is where our loyalties lie?
When push comes to shove, are we God’s leader? If not God’s leader, are we at least prepared
to follow and accomplish God’s will under the guidance of others? Or are we likely to look for our own
interests and stay where it is comfortable when God’s call arrives on our
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