Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Year 7, Day 297: 1 Samuel 11

Theological Commentary: Click Here

We get a fairly good first glimpse of Saul the leader.  He starts out well.  I might have a personal quibble over the need to slaughter some oxen to prove his point, but that’s a secondary issue today.  The point is that Saul starts out on a pretty decent foot.

Saul hears that God’s people are being subjected and threatened.  The Spirit of the Lord comes upon Saul and Saul responds.  That’s the first thing that he does well. Saul rises up to the challenge.  Saul responds.  He answers the call of the Lord.  Saul doesn’t quench the Spirit, he fosters it.

Second, Saul leads with wisdom.  He divides up his people so that they can attack on multiple fronts.  He communicates with the people being threatened so that they can plan the attack well and keep the enemy right where Saul wants them.  Once they run, Saul pursues them well enough that the force scatters so that it cannot reorganize.

Third, Saul leads with grace.  Do you hear the human impatience of those around him?  Those around him want to put to death those who opposed his rule.  Saul steps up and calls for cooler heads to prevail.  In doing so he shows wisdom and takes a step towards peace with his enemies.

It’s nice to see that in the beginning Saul was a good choice as leader.  He does have the capacity to lead with wisdom.  He has the capacity to be gracious.  He has the capacity to organize people underneath him.  At the beginning of his reign, he is a good leader.


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