Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Year 7, Day 305: 1 Samuel 19

Theological Commentary: Click Here

When we look at this passage, we certainly see Saul at his worst.  Saul wants to kill David some more.  His jealousy is absolutely getting the best of him.

The odd things is why.  Saul is jealous of David’s popularity.  Saul is jealous of how the people are responding to David’s success.  Saul is jealous that the Lords is with David.  Essentially, Saul is looking to David and seeing all of the things that he really wants for himself.

Jealousy is an ugly master.  Jealousy causes Saul to miss so much.  David is winning victories that are saving God’s people and Saul’s kingdom.  David is playing marvelous music.  David has so much to offer the kingdom!  Instead of approving of David, Saul only increases his hate.

There is something that I really love about this chapter.  Do you notice who it is that saves David from Saul’s hand?  Saul’s own son, Jonathan intervenes.  Jonathan is God’s agent to bring salvation to David.  But it isn’t just Jonathan!  Michal intervenes.  In case you forgot, Michal is Saul’s own daughter!  God uses Saul’s own children to counteract the effects of Saul’s jealousy.  Blood may be thicker than water, but blood can’t hold a candle to God using a person to bring about His good.  That’s cool.


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