Friday, November 10, 2017

Year 7, Day 314: 1 Samuel 28

Theological Commentary: Click Here

This chapter is another perspective of humanity.  Human beings really have a propensity for doing what is right when everyone is looking but then doing what they want when a need arises or when nobody is looking.  For example, take a look at Saul here in the chapter.

Saul, under the guidance of Samuel, had all of the mediums thrown out from the midst of God’s people.  God doesn’t want people consorting with the dead.  He doesn’t want them relying upon wisdom from anyone but Him.  Saul is willing to publicly follow Samuel’s guidance on this matter.

However, at this point in the story Samuel is dead.  God has quit responding to Saul and providing guidance to him.  There is a large army of Philistines who are seeking to conquer him and his lands.  Saul is looking for any kind of guidance, and everyone that can produce true wisdom is gone.

At this point, Saul turns to a medium at Endor.  Isn’t it interesting how Saul kicked out the mediums when it was publicly necessary.  But when push comes to shove, Saul decides to consort a medium.  Nobody is looking; nobody will hold him accountable.  Saul feels his back against the wall; Saul’s true colors rise to the surface.

This is what I meant at the beginning of this reflection.  Saul is willing to give a public face of righteousness.  But when nobody is looking, his darker character comes out.  When he feels cornered, Saul breaks his own rules.  When we aren’t careful, we often live hypocritically and do as we please when the mood calls for it.


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