Monday, July 16, 2018

Year 8, Day 197: Psalm 52

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Psalm 52 gives us another pair of opposite perspectives to analyze.  The first is the perspective of evil.  The psalmist asks why the evil one boasts, even.  These are the people who plot against others, who put their trust in money, who lie, or who deceive.  In other words, these are people who are looking to figuratively consume other people and their livelihood.

On the other hand, there are the righteous.  These are people who boast in the Lord, not the things of this world.  They trust in the Lord.  They thank God.  They wait upon Him.  They make company with other righteous people.  In other words, these are the people who do things according to the Lord’s ways.

Looking upon both camps, and serving as judge, is God.  God will break down those who boast in themselves while being a refuge for those who are in Him.  He will snatch away the wealth of the wicked while abundantly providing for the righteous.  He will uproot those who plant themselves in the world but grant stability to those who plant themselves in Him.

In the end, it really does boil down to a matter of faith.  If God is looking down and sitting as judge, why would we sit in the position of evil?  Why would we place ourselves not only in a place of judgment but also a place where we depend on ourselves when we can place ourselves within God’s influence and protection?


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