Monday, July 23, 2018

Year 8, Day 204: Psalm 59

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Psalm 59 is another psalm of David where he speaks about the trouble around him.  As we’ve seen in prior psalms, David continues to turn to faith in God in the face of evil.  In today’s psalm, we can go a little further than this point.

David gives us a bit of insight into the mind of the evil ones.  In fact, the words he says are so fundamental he repeats them for us twice.  Each evening they come back, howling like dogs and prowling about the city.  The image he gives us is clear.  These are people who are looking for trouble.  These are people who want to do evil.  These are people who are consciously choosing the fulfillment of their own desires over good.

The first time David talks about them he speaks about them coming with swords and confidence that they won’t be heard.  They are confident in their evil.  They know full well what they are doing.  They have a plan and seek to fulfill their own schemes.

The second time David talks about them he mentions that they howl if they do not get their fill.  In other words, evil is a hunger that must be sated.  In the beginning, evil is something done because it is a means to an end.  In the end, we serve the craving of evil.  What starts out as a means to our end eventually takes control.

In contrast, look to what David lifts up as proper conduct.  God, who laughs at the wicked ones, is David’s fortress.  Unlike evil, which takes control of us eventually, God meets David in love.  God protects David instead of using him as evil does.  This is why David continuously turns to God.  He knows that evil is no friend.  He knows that when we lie down with evil it is us who are changed and not for the better.  We are changed for the better when we turn to God and abide in His ways.


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