Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Year 8, Day 198: Psalm 53

Theological Commentary: Click Here

At first pass, this psalm seems utterly depressing.  Nobody does good.  All have sinned.  We’re all corrupt.  We’re all covered in iniquity.  We have all fallen away.  We all prey upon one another in one form or another!  Oh, what a bleak picture!

Truth be told, it’s all true.  Can any of us be declared righteous on our own merit?  Can any one of us shed our iniquity?  Can any one of us keep himself from falling away from God’s ways?  While bleak, is it any less true?

This is why the end of the psalm is so meaningful.  Salvation does come out of Zion.  God Himself makes our salvation a reality.  It is God who restores the fortunes of His people.  God is the source of salvation.

While this psalm does cause a bleak look in the mirror for humanity, it is a fundamental look.  To truly rejoice in the salvation, is it not necessary to understand our own turmoil?  To receive grace, isn’t it best when we understand the cost? 


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