Thursday, November 8, 2018

Year 8, Day 312: Proverbs 21

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Proverbs 21 gives us a really neat opening.  “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes.”  This is completely true.  Our actions and our words stem from our heart.  When we do something, it is because in the moment we are convinced we need to do it!  Sure, we might go back and reflect on our words and discover an error in our decision-making process.  But in the moment, everything we do or say is done because we convinced ourselves it was worth doing or saying.

“But the Lord weighs the heart.”  In other words, when we do something, God knows why we did it.  In those moments when we convince ourselves to pursue evil, God knows our hearts.  He knows the lie that we chose to believe.  He knows our inner darkness.  In truth, He knows us better than ourselves because we choose to believe the lie!  He knows the truth.

“To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.”  This proverb is the natural extension of the prior proverb.  Why would God accept a sacrifice from a person who only appears to be righteous on the outside?  Anyone can give a sacrifice.  True righteousness comes from the heart, not one’s actions.

“Haughty eyes and a proud heart – the lamp of the wicked – are sin.”  Here we come to the crux of the issue.  Pride comes from the heart.  A haughty attitude comes from the heart.  This is why God cares about our heart.  If our heart is right, our actions will follow.  When our heart is not right, we will see ourselves as right but willingly head down the path of sin.


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