Sunday, January 1, 2017

Year 7, Day 1: Genesis 1

Theological Commentary: Click Here

When I read Genesis 1, I am always filled with an overwhelming sense of goodness.  Yes, part of it is because everything that God creates is good.  But the sense of goodness is for a deeper reason than that.

This is really a chapter about God’s provision for us.  God starts with the things far away and establishes them in the world.  We’re talking about the laws of physics, the stars, the planets, everything.  God does it all with us in mind.

Then, God creates the things closer to home.  He creates our planet.  He gives our planet water, which is crucial to our life.  Naturally, this has us in mind as well.

Then, God creates the plants oxygen producing green plants, of course.  He gives the water life within it.  He then places animals on the dry land, too.  He fills the world with things that we need, things that will bring us happiness, things that will need a caretaker.

Then, God creates us.  He creates us in His own image, even.  But He places us in an environment where we can succeed, flourish even!  God’s provision is good indeed.

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not trying to say that God created the world solely for our sake.  God created the world for His sake and His pleasure.  It pleased God to create the world.  But in doing so, He created an environment wonderfully equipped to sustain us.  That is why this chapter is full of goodness for me.


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