Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Year 3, Day 281: 1 Chronicles 7

Genealogy – Chapter 7

In chapter 7 we get to see the lineage of primarily the northern tribes.  However, as you read through these you will notice that there is a seemingly lack of attention to detail.  As detailed as chapter 6 was, chapter 7 seems to be the exact opposite.

Remember that the northern tribes were taken into exile under Assyria about 150 years prior to the fall of the southern kingdom and Jerusalem.  Thus, it is likely that much of the genealogical data from the northern kingdom may well have been lost.  The chronicler may not be intentionally light on details; it may have been the best he could accomplish.

In addition to this, many of the Hebrew people from the northern kingdom would have been under captivity and dispersed by the Assyrians.  Thus, when the Babylonians moved onto the scene and knocked off the Assyrians, those in captivity under the Assyrians would have been even more likely to be scattered more deeply and lost among the people.  Thus, when it came time for the Hebrew people to return from exile when the Persians defeat the Babylonians, there may not have been many of the northern kingdom still holding onto their Hebrew heritage.  Without many Hebrews from the northern kingdom returning, there may just not have been data to transmit.

So what can we learn from this?  I think there are two lessons that we can pull from the chronology before us today.  First, if we do not draw close to the Lord, we are likely to get lost in the world.  It may sound like a simple lesson, but it is a very good one.  We can stake our claim to many pursuits in this life.  But if we don’t lay our claim in the Lord, we are likely to be swept away into the world and find ourselves adrift among the masses.

The second lesson is just as important.  The northern kingdom had been in exile for a while before Judah goes into captivity.  Many of them were lost to posterity.  Of the exiles returning, most were of the clan of Judah or Levites who were living in the southern kingdom.  The exiles could have looked down upon the few exiles returning from the northern kingdom.  But yet we find their genealogy here in Chronicles.  They are included.  They could have been the proverbial ugly step-sister.  But the chronicler lifts them up in status to be included.

All have sinned.  There is forgiveness for all who repent, regardless of past circumstances.  That’s a powerful lesson to remember.


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