Monday, May 19, 2014

Year 4, Day 139: Numbers 24

Theological Commentary: Click Here 

Discipleship Focus: Prophet

  • Prophet: A prophet is one of the fivefold ministry categories that is used throughout the Bible and especially lifted up in Ephesians 4:11.  The prophet is primarily concerned with whether or not the people are hearing the voice of God.  The prophet is also concerned about whether or not the people are responding to God’s voice.

In this chapter, we get to see the negative example of Balaam.  Balaam is a seer, known among his own people for being able to bless and curse people.  However, he also knows that God does not want the Hebrew people cursed.  In fact, when the Spirit of the Lord comes upon him, he can only proclaim what the Lord God determines him to say.

We see a third oracle in which Balaam blesses the Hebrew people.  It was God’s will to bless the Hebrew people and to cause them to prosper within the Promised Land.  Through Balaam, God speaks truth to the princes of the nations gathered together by Balak.  Even though Balaam would prefer to keep his mouth shut, he can’t help but utter truth directly from the mouth of God.

We also get the prophetic utterance in his fourth declaration.  In this declaration Balaam turns to the princes of the land and makes sure that they understand God’s design for them.  Balaam speaks truth into the princes of these nations that are gathered here.  However, Balaam likewise shows concern for their living out their life according to God’s Word.  How many times does Balaam speak about the native people needing to get used to the Hebrew people being around and in charge?

Balaam is absolutely an unwilling prophet.  If he could, he would rather keep his mouth shut.  But God does not allow it.  Balaam speaks the truth of God and then makes a blunt point to make sure these princes not only hear God’s truth but know how to live out of it.


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