Sunday, May 25, 2014

Year 4, Day 145: Numbers 30

Theological Commentary: Click Here 

Discipleship Focus: Authority

  • Authority: Our calling.  This comes from God as king.  Because He calls us as His representatives, He gives us authority to go and do His will.

At first glance, it might seem a little unusual to look to the topic of authority on a chapter about vows.  So let me spin out this idea and see where it goes.

When we make a vow, the world looks to us to see if we mean what we say.  When we make a promise, we have an option of keeping it or breaking it.  The world is watching us.  The world is analyzing our ability to keep our word.  The world wants to know if we are trustworthy or not.

As God’s followers, we are His representatives to the world.  When His people are not trustworthy, others can conclude that God is not trustworthy.  When we break promises, others in the world assume that God likewise breaks promises.  After all, if we are the followers of God and we act thusly then people draw conclusions about the character of God.

We are not to do this.  We have been given authority by God to go forth and be His representatives.  We should be aligning ourselves to His will so that when we get an opportunity to make a promise we can discern His will and live authoritatively into the ability to make good on that promise.  When we are in tune with God, we can live in His authority and be His representative.


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