Thursday, August 14, 2014

Year 4, Day 226: Luke 17

Theological Commentary: Click Here 

Discipleship Focus: Obedience

  • Obedience: Genuine and satisfying obedience comes out of our identity.  Our true identity comes only from Father.

What does faith look like?  Faith looks like us looking to the Father to get our identity and then obediently living out of that identity.  But what does that really look like?

Jesus gives us an example in Luke 17.  Jesus talks about the servants.  The servants do work in the field.  When the work in the field is done, the servants come in and care for the routine of the house.  The servants know what is expected of them and do it.

That sounds rather mundane, doesn’t it?  So many times we think of people with great faith as people who can do incredibly spiritual things.  We think about people of great faith as those who can speak in tongues, or heal people with a touch, hear voices from heaven.  Don’t get me wrong, these are clear displays of faith.

But look at what Jesus says is true faithfulness in this section of Luke 17.  True faithfulness is doing what God expects to get done.  It’s really that simple.  True faith is being obedient to the identity that comes from the Father.  You don’t have to be a miracle worker to know true faith.  You simply have to be obedient.


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