Friday, July 1, 2016

Year 6, Day 182: Matthew 8

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Authority

  • Authority: Our calling.  This comes from God as king.  Because He calls us as His representatives, He gives us authority to go and do His will.

Matthew 8 is a great chapter through which we can look at the issue of authority.  Jesus demonstrates that in each situation where He is called to act, He has the authority to act.  In each situation where He has the authority to act, He has the power to act.

Of course, the easiest two places to see this in action is Jesus’ command over the storm and Jesus’ command over the demons.  Jesus can exert the Father’s authority over nature as He is called to do so.  Jesus can exert the Father’s authority over other heavenly beings when He is called to do so.  Naturally, of course, Jesus can exert the authority of the Father over humanity as well.

However, what is really neat to see here in this chapter is how people respond to the authority of Jesus.  Other people who respect and care for authority will respond.  The centurion comes to Jesus.  He understands and knows authority.  Notice that he doesn’t even need Jesus to come to his house.  He trusts that Jesus’ word is good.  He trusts that Jesus’ authority is true.  The centurion puts his faith on display by recognizing Jesus’ authority and responding properly.


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