Monday, July 25, 2016

Year 6, Day 206: Hosea 5

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Character

  • Character: Having the interior life that is necessary to support the work that God sets before a person.  It is hearing from God and obeying.  It is doing the right thing when nobody is looking.

As you will see as this post unfolds, I could have easily spoken about this chapter under the idea of ambition.  However, as I wrote about that yesterday, I think I’ll turn this around and look at this topic in the idea of character.  Either way, I believe that we will arrive at the same conclusion.

If we look at verse 5, we get a glimpse of the sin about which God is angry.  Israel is proud.  Their pride has caused them to stumble in their guilt.  They aren’t coming to the Lord for guidance and wisdom; they think that they know it all already!  They are not looking into their life to try and find places where they might be guilty of sin and making mistakes.  They are convinced of their greatness.

If we continue this thought in verse 7, we see that they are faithless with respect to the Lord.  Faithlessness is the great product of pride.  If I am proud and have the character of leaning upon only myself, how am I going to be faithful to anyone else?

Now we turn to the end.  What is the condition that God sets up for the removal of His wrath?  The people need to turn to Him and repent.  God is showing us the character that is needed.  So long as our character is leaning upon ourselves, we risk God’s wrath.  But when we have the character to humble ourselves before God, rely upon Him, and do His will then we find that we are readily placed in His vast mercy.

In the end, it really is about character.  Do I pursue the things of my own ambition and focus on myself?  Or do I pursue the things of God and adopt a more humble character in His presence?


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