Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Year 6, Day 313: 2 Chronicles 13

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Identity

  • Identity: Our true identity comes from the Father.  Only when our identity comes from God can we be obedient in ways that satisfy our person to our core.

On the surface of this passage, Abijah comes off as a really spiritual leader.  He goes out to battle and reminds Jeroboam’s army that God is on their side.  He reminds them that they have the Levitical priests.  He reminds them that he is the leader in the line of David.  He reminds the people that they are the ones who rebelled against Rehoboam.  When you look at this, it’s easy to see Abijah in the right.

So, then, why does the account in 1 Kings 15 tell us that he was evil and walked evilly in the ways of his father Rehoboam?

When we look more deeply, we can get a glimpse of Abijah’s identity.  He seems like he gets the stories right, but he tells the story in a way that doesn’t tell the whole story.  Yes, the kingdom of Judah has the Levites.  But remember that the Chronicler told us a few chapters back that the Levites only remained faithful for about 3 years.  When it comes to the rebellion of Jeroboam, what Abijah fails to say is that the people came to serve Rehoboam and it was Rehoboam’s arrogant ambition that drove the people away into rebellion.  Don’t forget that Abijah is said to have a number of wives as his fathers did who came before him.

What we see in Abijah is an identity that is self-serving.  Abijah tells parts of the truth, but he creatively tells the truth to paint an image that serves him in its lack of honesty.  He uses God when the idea of God serves him and his agenda, but he doesn’t truly live up to God’s ways.  This identity is really what leads us to understand that Abijah is an evil king who walks in the evil ways of his father.


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