Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Year 6, Day 333: 2 Chronicles 35

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Obedience

  • Obedience: Genuine and satisfying obedience comes out of our identity.  Our true identity comes only from our Father.

What a great chapter through which we can look at the faithful followers of God through the lens of obedience.  What I love about this chapter is that it is incredibly real.  It shows us a spiritual and political leader much in the same light as we saw back with David.

For example, look at the first two-thirds of this chapter.  Time and time again we hear that Josiah was obedient to the Law as it was written by Moses.  Josiah knew what to do, how to do it, and even when to do it!  He followed the written word quite literally to the letter!  He was an incredibly obedient leader in the things that were written and clearly dictated by God’s Word.  This is how it should be!

On the other hand, look at the last third of this chapter.  In these verses we hear about Josiah’s stubbornness.  He goes out against Necho, Pharaoh of Egypt.  Necho even gives him a reason to turn around.  Do you hear his reason?  He is doing the will of God, and doing it in a hurry!  Yet, Josiah continues to oppose him.  Josiah clearly makes the wrong choice in a moment of disobedience.  Unfortunately for Josiah, this moment of disobedience also costs him his life.

What can we learn from this chapter about obedience?  We can learn that we should be able to get the things right that are specified in God’s Word.  There isn’t any excuse for getting those things wrong.  But when it comes to the gray areas in life where we are making decisions based on what we think is correct as we apply God’s Word to our life, the reality is that we are going to make mistakes.  We are going to make the incorrect choice and that choice will lead to disobedience.  All of the good leaders did it; we will do it to.  The trick is to live humbly and repent when we find ourselves walking in disobedience.


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