Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Year 6, Day 305: 2 Chronicles 5

Theological Commentary: Click Here

Discipleship Focus: Provision

  • Provision: God gives us what we truly need.  God knows our needs better than we can know them.  We learn to trust God to provide for us.

“For He is good; His steadfast love endured forever.”  Quite an important saying!  It is completely true, of course.  But what can really shed some light onto this conversation is a discussion about perspective.

Of course, we can read this through the lens of the priests who are saying these words.  Solomon has just completed the temple.  The Hebrew people have come crashing onto the scene and through David’s leadership have become the dominant presence in Canaan.  Their wealth has increased exponentially.  Their military prowess will know no greater height.  God’s provision is indeed great.  God’s provision has been with them.  God’s provision endures forever.

Yet, it is easy to say those words in the good times.  But what about the bad times?  Think about the time of the Chronicler as he writes these words.  The people have been in exile for 70 years.  They are returning to Jerusalem and need to rebuild the entire city.  The nations around them are seeking ways for them to fail.  The times of the Chronicler are hard.

From this perspective, these words are even more vital.  In bleak times, it is important to remember the provision of the Lord.  In the bleak times, when losing faith may be easier than keeping it, we need to put even more trust in God and remember that He does not forget us.

This truly is the testimony of the Chronicler.  God did not abandon His people to exile forever.  He brought them back.  He made them a nation once, He can do it again.  This is why the Chronicler can pen these words and tell this story.


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